Monday, 20 September 2010

A Look At Native American Medicine Bags

You would think that because it is called a medicine bag that it has actual medicine inside. Well technically, it holds natural elements and healing herbs that are important to the wearer. In Native American culture, these items offer holistic cures and protection both physically as well as spiritually. Can modern medicine do that for you?

Those who claim to possess healing powers are not the only people who use Native American medicine bags. They hold specially chosen items such as herbal plants and stones. Worn by most Indians for personal uses, these bags are a normal part of the Native American culture. The most popular size of a medicine bag is very small and can be worn around the neck. To maintain personal harmony which consists of the spiritual, physical and the supernatural, many people choose to wear a medicine bag. The contents of a medicine bag will change throughout life as the needs of an individual change. Items of importance to the wearer are placed in the bag such as various herbs. Some of these can be found in nature and the everyday experiences of men. They could be classified into the plant kingdom, animal kingdom, mineral kingdom and the things seen in the world of man.

The appeal of Native American medicine bags has become widespread and it is being used now by non native Indians as a form of protection and a source of power. Not only worn, many people place them wherever they want and even under the pillow while they sleep. The common material used for the creation of these bags is very soft leather.

To enhance the supernatural and spiritual abilities of the wearer, healers often use the contents to perform the ritual known as vision quest. It would then promote an increase in physical strength, agility, skills in fighting as well as healing. The intense spiritual connections and beliefs in the supernatural make Native Americans really interesting and the use of various kinds of herbs in a specialized pouch makes the experience more grounded because for Native Americans, the connection between nature and spirituality are very tightly knit. To enhance the quality of life of the individual, every herb or item used responds to a certain kind of spiritual euphoria to attain something desired.

The allure of the Native American medicine bag is still present although modern medicine and practical knowledge is available to everyone now days. Having a Native Indian medicine bag is something of homage to the beautiful culture as well as hand craftsmanship of the great American Indians of the United States.

Author, Craig Chambers, offers more about Native American Medicine Bags on his website. You should also get his monthly newsletter, online discounts and download his popular free ebook from

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